Our honey is made exclusively from bees in our own apiary located in Boxford, Suffolk. It is an amazing rural treasure trove of forage for bees from both the fabulously floral gardens of Boxford’s villagers to the arable crops in the surrounding fields. Additionally we have an abundance of local flowering trees that honey bees love, such as Sweet Chestnut, Lime and of course the huge number of Apple trees from orchards in the area. We are also lucky enough to have a organic essential oils farm right next door, so the bees don’t have to fly far for a Lavender or Primrose feast. It is this wealth of mixed forage that makes our honey well-balanced and nutritionally broad.
We love keeping and caring for our bees, and passers-by often see us working in our apiary, carefully tending to them to ensure they are healthy and happy. Harvesting surplus honey is a lucky by-product of this, but definitely not the focus.
We harvest the honey twice a year, once in Spring and once in late Summer. We only ever harvest the surplus honey that our bees produce and always leave them with ample stores for them to overwinter on food of their own making. We still extract by hand which although hard work, allows us to identify and blend the best honeys from each hive for a superior taste. We think you’ll notice the difference between our raw honey and a shop-bought honey immediately!
Best of all, locally-bought honey has infinitesimally lower food miles involved in its production, so you can enjoy it knowing that it is environmentally-positive unlike large commercial products.